
1. Our Philosophy:

1.1. “lifestyle007.com” is a website that provides information in the form of general suggestions and knowledge, and it is not endorsed or supported in a proper manner.

1.2. You are always advised to stay healthy and safe, and you should seek advice from a medical professional or specialist before any form of treatment, exercise, or other examinations.

2. General Policy:

2.1. You can use “lifestyle007.com” only for the purposes mentioned here.

2.2. You must refrain from any misuse, false advertising, or any other offense related to the information provided by “lifestyle007.com.”

2.3. You are not allowed to promote any impure, unethical, or unexpected items on this website.

3. Compliance with Rules:

3.1. You must comply with the rules defined by “lifestyle007.com.”

3.2. Prior permission from “lifestyle007.com” is required for any commercial purpose.

4. Property Rights:

4.1. All information and content of “lifestyle007.com,” such as articles, images, and other resources, are the intellectual property of “lifestyle007.com” and cannot be used in any way, such as theft, representation, or commercial use.

5. Contact:

5.1. If you have any questions about this “Disclaimer” or any other issues, please contact us at Contact Us.

6. Amendments:

6.1. This “Disclaimer” may be amended from time to time, and users will be notified of such changes on this website.